AO Scan Advance Technology Basic to Advanced Class

AO Scan Advance Technology Basic to Advanced Class

Allen T. Stanley, LMT, CMLDT, CMMP
Medical Massage Practitioner
Quantum Living Advocate
WIFI Network (Sabel Professional) (sabelpalms)

Keep Young Wellness Center


  • History of Frequency
  • What are the Benefits of the AO Scan Device
  • Setup and usage of your AO Scan Device – (setup booklet came in unit)
  • Understand Clearing History & Updating Device
  • What’s important about the Inner-Voice
  • Understanding Charts on Inner-Voice
  • Running Vitals, Body Systems and Comprehensive
  • Scans (Learning starter protocols) & What numbers mean 1-9
  • What is Imprinting? (homeopathics)
  • Getting to know training process of Solex University.


Inner Voice video

Play Video

Comprehensive Scan

Play Video

Vitals Scan

Play Video

Body Systems Scan

Play Video

Pet Scanning #1 Training

Play Video

What Therapies or Frequencies Does the Ao Scanner Mobile Utilize?

<b>What Therapies or Frequencies Does the Ao Scanner Mobile Utilize?</b>

The AO Scan Mobile utilizes many different frequencies / modalities / technologies. Here is a list of many of them that are integrated throughout the AO Scan system.

  • Russian Human Frequencies (dated back to 40’s)
  • Scalar Waves (used in healing from London, England)
  • Tesla (Low Frequencies , used Radio waves & for AO Remote Scans all over world)
  • Rife (Healing Frequencies from 50’s)
  • Voice Analysis (used with Inner Voice Harmonics)
  • Radionics (used in the Inner Voice)
  • Bio Resonance Recognition & Comparison (used in Vitals, Body Systems, and Comprehensive Scans
  • Homeopathics & Bach Flowers Essences (started back in 30’s).
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Royal Rife discovered that specific RF frequencies, when broadcast through a plasma tube towards the body, would only affect the microbes that resonated that exact frequency. And that when that frequency hit that microbe, that it would destroy that specific microbe and have absolutely no effect on anything else.

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Nikola Tesla discovered that a specific set of frequencies could be broadcast through the an around us, the same way we broadcast cell phone calls, radio and television signals today and affect only the target it was intended for.

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Albert Einstein is accredited with being one of the fast to state that the future of medicine is frequency and was one of the most brilliant people to ever been born. He is the creator of the theory of relativity and his discoveries are still useful today.

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Electromedicine: Sound & Waves

Electromedicine:  Sound & Waves

Tuning Forks – Resonates a lower-frequency through the air like crystal and metal bowls and Classic music from certain European composers, sounds from nature such as bird songs, steady rain or the ocean. This has become popular for soothing the Soul and Emotions. Which creates physical healing from within.
Medical-Sounds - Are used in Ultrasound, such as taking a picture of a fetus in the womb. Also used by Doctors to break apart calcified stones in the body with low frequency.
Nature - In this are whales and elephants use infrasound to communicate with one another.
History - Chinese art of Qi Gong practitioners have been using energy work for more then 100’s of years.

Wave Sound Therapies

<b>Wave Sound Therapies</b>

Electromedical devices that heals uses low frequency acoustic pressure waves.

  • This was designed over two decades ago, by electronics engineer Alphonse Cassone who sought a new and effected way to extract minerals (especially gold) from soil. He also used a powerful speaker.
  • Which SONAR (sound navigation and ranging) used on Navy submarines, also know as the Transducer is born ( Our Bone Conduction Unit for AO Scanner)
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Acoustive Therapy Used to Help in These Areas:

Acoustive Therapy Used to Help in These Areas:
  • Cardiovascular conditions of all kinds, in which the micro/microcirculation is impeded.
  • Cognitive dysfunction
  • Injuries
  • Fatigue and lack of energy, chronic and acute
  • Pain and stiffness in any area of the body
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Immune dysfunction
  • Nervous system problems, including lack of motor coordination, dizziness, and perceptual difficulties.
  • Restricted mobility
  • Skeletal and disc issues, including back pain.
  • Nutrition and Minerals evaluations

What Are the Benefits of the AO Scan Device?

<b>What Are the Benefits of the AO Scan Device?</b>

OPTIMAL NUTRITION - Reads which nutrients are deficient in your body – and runs the balancing frequencies - and takes the guess work out by informing you on what's needed in order to restore and maintain your health. (QUICK & EZ SCAN AND VITALS)
DETOX - Reads what specific toxins, parasites, pathogens, fungus and molds are present - and runs frequencies to balance - and allows you to further eradicate any persistent toxins. (VITALS/SEFI)
EMOTIONAL & TRAUMA HEALING - Reads your emotions via the Inner Voice module - and then provides sound therapy and color therapy to bring your emotional state into harmony and balance. This is key to bringing deep health restoration, since every dis-ease and health issue has an emotional component at its core. (INNER VOICE)
HOMEOPATHY - Create potent & uniquely ‘specific-to-you’ homeopathics and radionics that are generated from your whole-body scan. The balancing blueprint information can be imprinted into bracelets, necklaces, your own jewelry, patches, and insoles - to be worn. Also, you can imprint this ‘specific-to-you’ information into pellets, and create tinctures, elixirs, and nosodes - to ingest, to continually introduce into your body the necessary balancing frequencies that consistently resonate homeostasis and health.

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Types of Sound Therapy

<b>Types of Sound Therapy</b>
  • Sublininals are sounds usually containing hidden messages aimed at influencing our emotions and go straight to the subconscious mind.
  • These sounds contain affirmations at a frequency we cannot hear, allowing them to bypass the conscious mind.
  • Solfeffio sounds are high frequencies consisting of tones, that help our brainwaves: (Binaural Beats)
  • Delta - 0.4 Hz which improves sleeps and more relaxed
  • Theta –4-8 Hz which improves creativity and intuition, allowing you to have stronger connection with your higher self.
  • Alpha –8-12 Hz This range promotes positive thinking and long-term relaxation.
  • Beta –12-40 Hz These waves promote and contribute to improved cognitive functions such as reading, logic, and speech.
  • All these things the INNER VOICE Does for you on Daily Basis
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Setting Up Device & Then Client Profile

<b>Setting Up Device & Then Client Profile</b>
  1. Already charged device and followed along with AO startup guide.
  2. Setting up wifi (SABEL PALMS)
  3. Update unit & clear history
  4. Setting up profile for 1st inner voice scan with bone conductor (USE SHEET)
  5. Run all scans (and email 1 x month to self)
  6. Run all scans for 30 days
  7. Put supplements into device (quick scan up to 3x day) can run EZ scans anytime.
  8. After 30 days run Full Scans min 3 x week and Full Comprehensive scans at least once
  9. Do IMPRINTING 2 or 3 week when need to work on items.
  10. Make up your own Homeopathics in water or pellets.

Clear History & Updating Unit (make sure your signed out of AO Software)

<b>Clear History & Updating Unit (make sure your signed out of AO Software)</b>
  • Clearing History ( Goto Chrome Icon)
    1. Go to 3 dots, then click on History
    2. Click on Clear Browser History and then Clear again (also should show ALL Time)
    3. Go back to main unit menu
  • Updating unit to make it run faster (Go to the Play
    1. On play store icon click on it look for three dots.
    2. Click on Update
    3. Once this opens look at Manage Apps or Updates, if updates are needed it will show how many, run all updates.
    4. Once all is done shut off unit and turn it back on after 3 mins. Make sure if you use day before always restart AO Software
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Adding in Supplements to your AO Scanner Library (See results under Quick Scan & EZ Scans)

<b>Adding in Supplements to your AO Scanner Library  (See results under Quick Scan & EZ Scans)</b>
  1. Open personal profile the click on “Supplements & Therapies”
  2. Touch Clients supplements
  3. Touch name (supplement) and type it in
  4. Touch morning, midday, or evening to repeat how many times a day the supplement is taken.
  5. Touch description to fill in supplement name.
  6. Touch dose for quantity and then put what type (i.e., capsule, tablet or dropper).
  7. Place dose of supplement in a shot glass and touch SCAN then touch SAVE. ( Move on to other supplements)
  8. Once done with all supplements, on list touch SELECT ALL go down to bottom and touch ADD to CLIENT. (use list to add to client under all clients)
  9. NOW daily find out what supplements you need by Go to QUICK SCAN with Bone Conductor. (ONLY TAKE IF SCANNER TELLS THATS NEEDED)


  • It is a way of measuring our Emotions and a way of seeing how our emotions effect us physically
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Each one of the 12 notes has 108 Frequencies, which balances suppressed emotions you don’t want to remember.

Low Frequency - Ones that hold us back or from not rising. (Longest Note & Last page of Inner Voice) “Wear you wear Glasses

High Frequency - The ones we sometimes push away, we must love ourselves and others.

Color Therapy - Light wave Optical “Chromotherapy”

<b>Color Therapy - Light wave Optical “Chromotherapy”</b>
  1. The Color Lenses boost benefits of the AO Scan Inner Voice.
  2. Lightwave glasses balance the out-of-range frequencies in your  body, thereby balancing your emotional state.
  3. Wear while doing Inner Voice for at least 15 mins.
  4. See color chart handout.
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Keep Young Wellness Center
  • “Meridians”, Why they are Important for Scanning & Treatments
  • History goes back to the Chinese medicine era approx. 2698 BC (before Christ).
  • Meridians (Organs) –12 rivers or channels, which areas can be blocked, functioning to low or at high of a rate.
  • Meridians (Vessels) –2 of these are major ones that run from the head to toes.
  • Each Organ carries it own, called, "CHI or Life Force”. And we have 400-2,000 acupoints which are classified by World Health Organization.
  • The energy in us is called “Electromagnetic” same as what's around the earth.
  • Can be tested with a voltage meters or we can do also what's called “muscle testing”.
  • You can control these areas by using sound “Scalar Waves”, from AO to increase or decrease areas (Healing). In the Vitals Reports.

Scans Run for 1st 30 days: same time

Scans Run for 1st 30 days: same time
  1. After Inner Voice go right into the Vital Scan and always Scan (evaluate) & Optimization of Frequencies (correction of the unbalanced areas).
  2. Now run your Body System Scan one button Scan/Optimization.
  3. Now run your Comprehensive Scan press Combined.
  4. Remember to email one set of reports to yourself to email folder.
  5. Vitals Scan- Right side (Scanned) and Left side (after optimized),
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  1. The numbers above are a reminder of the number values on the PDFs that were entailed to you.
  2. Numbers inside boxes on your PDFs are after correction mode of frequency optimization.
  3. Percent Change % = how much change was received during the optimization. Looking at % if you can be in 20’s your good, not above 35%

The statements in this document have not been evaluated by the FDA.
The information contained herein is not intended to cure, treat or prevent disease.

Imprinting Frequencies or Homeopathics

<strong>Imprinting Frequencies or Homeopathics</strong>
  1. You can imprint any item to add frequencies/Homeopathics, it lasts for 72 hrs. (pills, water, SEFI Dots, Necklace.
  2. When imprinting water use a shot glass, drink it right away.
  3. When imprinting pellets use one bottle for each homeopathic that way you can see which one is working after taking it for 2 weeks.
  4. When imprinting a Solex Ion Bracelet or Necklace, charge the
  5. Necklace or Bracelet in sun first (every 2 weeks) then imprint it.
  6. You can imprint any frequencies.
    A) The best way to start is with SEFI Dots and go under SEFI in main menu.
    B) Then press scan button (let AO Unit pick what you need).
    C) Cut out dot in square on paper.
    D) You put dot on scanner press erase then press imprint. Apply to
    area it shows.
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Keep Young Wellness Center
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How to do a custom playlist for Emotional or Physical Dis-ease

<b>How to do a custom playlist for Emotional or Physical Dis-ease</b>
  1. Go to SEFI tab and then go to (+) and add name of list.
  2. Once list below will open like under Quantum Reach or Quantum Frequencies and pick items to add up to 15 per list.
  3. Once all items are picked hit save on list.
  4. Listen to custom playlist best way Simultaneous, by Imprinting it to water, SEFI Dot etc.
  5. You may listen to list for 2 mins or continuous.

Solex Blue

<b>Solex Blue</b>

- Promotes Blood Circulation
- Promotes Oxygen Flow
- Supports Age-Related Cognitive Health
- Promotes Memory Function
- Prolongs Cell Lifespan

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Blue Key Ingredients

<b>Blue Key Ingredients</b>
  • Methylene Blue (will stain clothes)
  • Colloidal Copper
  • Colloidal Silver
  • Colloidal Gold
  • Why - BLUE stands on its own with the reactivation of oxygen, it is the Colloidals that influence BLUE’s redox function by influencing daily. Like a Coach to the Player.
Keep Young Wellness Center

Add Red Light-Exponential BOOST

<b>Add Red Light-Exponential BOOST</b>
  • Red Light (including 660nm Band) will help increase cellular respiration and in particular, impacts the Enzyme Chain 4 activity for ATP (adenosine triphosphate) a molecule that carries energy, also called “the fuel of life.”
  • ATP production where oxygen is consumed, and energy is then increase –also consuming Nitric Oxide for greater cellular benefit and function.

Resonate Frequencies Used All Over Earth

<b>Resonate Frequencies Used All Over Earth</b>
  • By doing Remote Sessions for one person to another.
  • This is done like tuning into that low frequency radio station or making a cell phone call to another country.
  • Imprinting frequency onto Items have been going on since 1790. Water, Jewelry, Crystals, Supplements. (Let's look at this under SEFI) Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter
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Keep Young Wellness Center
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Remember this class is to help understand new education while using your AO Scanner on a daily basic to Scan (Evaluate) & Optimize Frequency (Correction –Balance). Plus, help educate others for their health needs to change.

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Keep Young Wellness Center
Keep Young Wellness Center
Keep Young Wellness Center

Thank You

<b>Thank You</b>

Allen T. Stanley, LMT.,CMLDT, CMMP
[email protected]

Compensation Plan Summary

Compensation Plan Summary

Liftoff Bonus

Liftoff Bonus

Earn 65% of all points from the new enrollment order of a QLA or PC when:

  • A Solex Device is ordered, in that order.
  • The Premium Subscription service is ordered, in that order.
  • An automatic reoccurring order is placed for the Premium Subscription service.

When all requirements are included as a part of the enrollment order, 65% of the points in that order will be commissioned as the Liftoff Bonus.

Direct Bonus

Direct Bonus

Earn 45% on the points from orders placed by your personally enrolled Customers and QLAs.

Rank Advancement Bonus

Rank Advancement Bonus

When the requirements for a new rank are achieved in three (3) months then a one-time bonus is earned.

Monthly Rank Bonus

Monthly Rank Bonus

After a one-time bonus is achieved, an ongoing monthly bonus can be earned each month that the qualifications for that Rank are maintained.

3 - Bronze $50 $25
6 - Silver $100 $50
9 1 Silver Gold $200 $100
12 1 Gold Platinum $400 $200
25 2 Platinums Pearl $2,000 $500
40 2 Pearls Sapphire $3000 $750
60 2 Sapphires Ruby $5,000 $1,000
80 2 Rubies Emerald $8,000 $2,000
100 2 Emeralds Diamond $10,000 $3,000

Pool Bonus & Accelerator

Pool Bonus & Accelerator

Earn pool shares where revenues received by the company (after all prior bonus are paid) are shared with those who qualify (up to 42% revenues before shipping and tax).

Earn shares in the pool for all achieved or maintained ranks, beginning with Bronze Rank, in your organization up to the rank that you qualify at for that commission month.

Earn an accelerator of your shares from the rank of Pearl all the way to the top. An accelerator multiplies your number of shares by the multiple indicated in the schedule.

0 - QLA .25 -
3 - Bronze .5 -
6 - Silver 1 -
9 1 Silver Gold 1.5 -
12 1 Gold Platinum 2 -
25 2 Platinums Pearl 2.5 1.5 times
40 2 Pearls Sapphire 3 2 times
60 2 Sapphires Ruby 3.5 2.5 times
80 2 Rubies Emerald 4 3 times
100 2 Emeralds Diamond 5 4 times

Retail Bonus

Retail Bonus

Earn the difference between the loyalty pricing (pricing for PCs and QLAs) and retail pricing (pricing for Retail Customers) when any directly enrolled Retail Customer purchases.

This bonus is earned in addition to the Direct Bonus that is earned from the points associated with products purchased by all those directly enrolled by you.